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John Wilson
We have been using Lucproxy for almost a year now. It supplies more than 30 millions residential IP proxy services, fast response. Integrating easily and offering a variety of solutions.
Alan Arkin
We've been working with Lucproxy for a little over a year. These proxies are the highest quality product on the proxy market, high speed connection and importantly It’s pretty safe.
Walter Brennan
Lucproxy offered a great service, Proxy lasts long and stable.They are professional,worth it!
Richard Burton
We have been using Lucproxy for a long time. Lucproxy supports many use-cases, making data extraction more efficient. Good usage monitoring and expense control - are key elements for us.
Diahann Carroll
Lucproxy is a famous proxy network platform, we have been using for hundreds of IPsWe can use any coding language ,love it!
Gary Cooper
Lucproxy seems like the best service we have seen to-date. The company has been very responsive to our needs even though we are a small customer.